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Learn To Code + Use AI For Free in 2025 (+ Get Hired in <6 Months)

Andrei Neagoie
Andrei Neagoie
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In 2014, I found myself in the situation many of you probably find yourselves in (minus this whole AI craze!).

I was bored with my career in the travel industry and heard about the great lifestyle and pay within the tech industry.

So I decided I was going to learn how to code and get hired as a web developer.

But I already spent 4 years in University so I didn't have the time or money to go back to school which meant I was going to have to teach myself.

Spoiler alert: Back then people thought it was crazy but I made it happen and got multiple job offers within 5 months.

It wasn't as hard as people made it out to be. So in 2017, I decided to share the exact steps I took and resources I used myself as a way to help others break into tech as well.

To my surprise, it went viral.

Now every year since, I've updated this guide to contain the exact resources and steps I'd personally use if I was starting over and wanted to learn to code for and get hired as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Over the years, 100,000+ people have now used this guide to learn to code for free & 1,000s have got hired as a fullstack web developers, from scratch. You can too.

A lot has changed in the last couple of years... I'm looking at you A.I. and ChatGPT.

And before you ask... NO, AI is not going to replace programmers.

Learning how to code is still an extremely useful and valuable skill that combined with A.I. makes you highly valuable to companies. I've even provided a little guide on how to use ChatGPT (or any LLM) properly for learning to code below.

Even with all this change, there are two things that have never changed:

  1. Learning the fundamentals
  2. The importance of efficiency: learning the right topics that are in-demand right now, so you can get hired as soon as possible.

This guide has the exact steps you should take if you want to learn to code & use AI in 2025 and get hired as a Web Developer (or get into the tech industry).

If you're a complete beginner or you're curious about this industry, this post is for you.

If you're already a developer, you'll still find some useful free resources to level-up your skills but I also wrote a post on how to become a senior software developer that may be more useful to you.

Due to popular demand, I also wrote 2 additional follow-up posts that I'd highly recommend you read after you've finished this guide:

All articles in this 3-part series

If you just want the steps, start from The 5 months: step-by-step section. You’ll hurt my feelings… so know that you'll have to live with that guilt.

Ok, you’re still here. Great! I like you already. Let’s keep going…

Using only free online courses, tutorials, and tools, you can gain a valuable skill that will allow you to be employed in a great industry that is rewarding, challenging, and with a lot of options to move around the world (more on this later).

Let's debunk some BS myths I hear:

  1. ❌ You need a $100,000+ college degree or a coding bootcamp (~$8,000+)
  2. ❌ You're too old to learn to code
  3. ❌ No one is hiring developers anymore, it's impossible to get hired
  4. ❌ AI is replacing all the developers

Don't believe this nonsense.

💡 Important note: This post may seem like it's just a step-by-step guide of what to do to become a developer.

But if you look more closely, it's also a framework you can apply to any sort of learning.

Also... no pressure, but I don't want you getting mad at me for not telling you that if you want a downloadable version, you can sign up below and I'll email you a full PDF version of this guide that includes the month-by-month checklist!

Should I still learn to code in 2025?

Soccer Fail
One day, you can build the best soccer goalie in the world…

My short answer is yes, I think it's definitely worth learning to code still in 2025 (we'll talk about AI and LLMs in a minute).

But we should explore why because every decision that will require a significant time of your life should be justified. Time, after all, is the most important resource we have.

You can read this detailed post I wrote but here are the key highlights I'd consider:

A. You want to be working in an industry where there is a high demand for the skill and many possibilities to be in important roles at the top of the food chain.

B. You love being location independent. You want a skill that allows you to go anywhere in the world and still be able to find a job easily. If you decide to move to Iceland tomorrow, you want to make sure that you won’t have issues finding a job.

C. You’ve noticed the difference between 2014 and 2025 and how much technological progress we have made in only ~10 years. You want to be at the forefront of an industry that is impacting the world.

D. The industries that have seen the largest growth in the last couple of years have been in the areas of:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning
  • Bio Tech
  • Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
  • Quantum Computing
  • Blockchain/Crypto/Web3

What is essential to all of these industries? Programming (aka coding/development).

We interact with these technologies every day and you don't want to be left behind as these take over our future.

Becoming a web developer is a great foot in the door to these industries because you will learn how to code and at the base of all of these technologies, you need to learn how to code.

E. You think change is good and that learning should never stop. So why not do something new?

If you're thinking Andrei... "But I don’t have a computer science degree and I've never written a line of code in my life. I don’t even really know how the internet works!"

Don’t worry, we'll use that to your advantage.

Keep reading…

When choosing a new career path here are some must-haves and nice to-haves:

  1. It should be relevant for the next 10+ years. This skill should be valued for many years in the future, giving you the best job security.

  2. Demand for people with this skill must be higher than the supply. The smaller the available pool of skilled workers in the industry, the more control you can have over your job and the companies you choose to work for.

  3. Ability to have a high salary regardless of your number of years in the industry. You don’t want to spend many years climbing the corporate ladder before you're able to make a decent living.

  4. An industry that doesn’t require a specialized degree from a college or university. You don’t want to spend the next 4 years getting into debt and going to a graduate program before you start making money. And yes, if you want to spend some money to hold yourself accountable and not have to learn alone, there are better alternatives than paying $8,000+ to go to an expensive coding bootcamp.

  5. Ability to catch up to the top performers in the industry in the shortest amount of time. Can little experience still get you employed? And can you close the gap as fast as possible to be considered a senior or an expert in the field?

  6. It must allow you to build foundational skills that will give you multiple career options no matter what the future holds. For example, by learning to code, you’re able to better understand new upcoming technologies like distributed applications, data science, Augmented Reality, cybersecurity, DevOps, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. This allows you to quickly and easily choose which field you want to jump into next.

  7. Have fun. This is the most important one. You have to enjoy what you're doing. Can you see yourself doing this 40 hours a week for a long time? If you're still not sure if coding is for you or doubting that YOU can become a developer then check out this previous student's post called Can Anyone Learn To Code? and try her 21-day coding challenge.

In my experience, coding hits every one of the points above. Warning: Your mileage may vary.

One of my favourite books is called So Good They Can’t Ignore You. The author argues that passion is a myth.

You shouldn’t go into the travel industry because you are “passionate” about travel. Most people find passion by struggling and working hard to master a skill.

Once people start acknowledging your valuable skills and you feel respected for these skills and that’s when you develop a passion for what you do.

Still with me? I haven’t scared you off? Ok, we shall keep going then…

IMPORTANT POINT. READ IT: The first 2 months will feel like you are climbing an insurmountable mountain.

Every tutorial, course, or lesson you do will make you feel like you are the only person in the world that doesn’t know this stuff.

This is called Impostor Syndrome. The feeling of complete self-doubt.

Stay strong 💪.

You will get there and you will have more and more ‘AHA!’ moments as time progresses.

Rest assured, we all feel this way when we learn something new. This is good. This is how you know you are stretching your boundaries.

It's kind of like doing a really tough workout and your muscles are sore for the next couple days. You know you're pushing yourself and growing when you feel uncomfortable.

What you will learn at the end of this is that being a good developer isn’t just memorizing a whole bunch of documentation. It’s about learning how to solve problems using all of the tools that are available to you.

It’s about being a problem solver and getting from a state of not knowing, to knowing.

This guide will help you get those skills.

Who are you and why should I listen to you?

waving bear
Always wave back…

Wow, you’re direct, but I guess that’s a fair question especially if you've already read this far.

First, I’m a Senior Software Developer/Engineer that has worked in various locations including Silicon Valley and Toronto at some of the top tech firms.

Second, for over 7 years now, I've also taught over 1 million people around the world how to code and become developers from scratch. 1,000s of them now work at companies like Google, Tesla, NVIDA, Amazon and many others, big and small, all around the world.

But I wasn’t born a computer wiz. I didn’t graduate with a Computer Science degree. I'm completely self-taught.

P.S. This part is all about me, so if you don’t care (totally fair point), just skip this section. I’ll get over it eventually.

As I mentioned earlier, it all started many years ago, 2014 to be exact (11 years ago... holy crap!)… I wanted a career change and decided to teach myself computer programming.

Unlike what most people do, I spent the first month avoiding any coding tutorials or programming courses or books.

Instead, I spent this month figuring out what would be the best way for me to learn how to code and get hired as efficiently as possible.

I didn't want to waste my time learning outdated technologies that most potential employers didn't care about or learn things that I would never actually use and just forget after a month.

I studied other people’s experiences, looked at job postings, spoke to established developers, reviewed online courses, looked at bootcamps, and even read articles by futurists on where we would be with technology in 20 years.

Based on all of that research, I created a curriculum for myself focused on efficiency: The critical amount of learning in order to be employable in the shortest amount of time.

If you love the work of Tim Ferriss as much as I do, you’re going to love this. The curriculum isn’t focused on doing the least amount of work. Instead, it's focused on working really hard at the things that matter most in order to be employed in the most optimum way.

This also doesn’t mean doing the bare minimum to get hired as a junior developer. If you can work hard and skip the line by jumping straight into an intermediate developer role, that is a better outcome.

Luckily for you, I have already sifted through everything you need to make that happen.

Although I spent one month planning my studying instead of actually studying, it was a benefit in the long run because I wasn’t running blind. I knew where I was going. I had a clear roadmap to the finish line. You will too.

So yes, I have been where you are and I know what it takes. When I was getting started, I wish there was something like this that outlined things for me step by step.

I also found many tutorials were taught by people with a lot of technical knowledge but without being able to properly teach a beginner.

And then some courses I found were taught by people who took advantage of beginners not knowing much about the industry and were selling a course that sounds great but doesn't actually teach you how to succeed (we call these superficial skills).

I’ve read and studied pretty much every single video, tutorial, and course that time permitted and I still continue to do so to make sure I'm helping others take the most efficient path to succeed.

I'm obsessed with the art of learning and even developed a system around efficient learning.

Since then, I have consulted for Fortune 500 tech companies, organized professional coding workshops, consulted on published tech books, given technical talks, and I have helped those with zero experience in programming get jobs in just a few months.

I'm now in a position where I don’t have to work for anybody.

I love this career and I think many people would enjoy it and benefit from it as well. So I’m on a mission to help others who want to make this jump no matter what their economic situation, age, or background.

I'm sharing this guide with you as a way to give back to the community and also because I think bootcamps and colleges completely overcharge you.

So stick with me and you'll learn to code for free, get hired, and have fun along the way.

What programming language are we going to learn?

Blog post image
Yep, this one up here.

Javascript. You are going to become a Javascript ninja/ninjess/ninjother for the following reasons:

✅ Javascript is everywhere. Every company that has a website or an app needs someone with Javascript knowledge.

This language is a requirement for a TON of job postings (If you don’t trust me, search for Javascript in your area on LinkedIn).

✅ Since the introduction of Node.js, you can use Javascript to create a full-stack app.

In English, that means you can use Javascript to build your entire project vs. needing multiple programming languages.

Using tools like Electron, React Native and many others, Javascript allows you to build a desktop app, a mobile app, a web app, and even VR apps.

You can even control robots by using something like Jonny-Five.

Want to be in Data Science or Data Analysis? Maybe AI and Machine Learning?

Great, you can use Javascript to do all of that too.

✅ If you didn’t read the first point and you were thinking about something else, let me reiterate: industry demand for JavaScript experts is HUGE.

It is the most in-demand language by employers and growing (TypeScript is part of the JavaScript ecosystem so you can consider them as one) and one of the most popular.

It is not uncommon for developers to get contacted by recruiters and head hunters multiple times a week with job offers.

✅ The Javascript community is growing at a crazy fast pace. There are a lot of new developments in the community. Some people complain about Javascript fatigue since more and more new tools are being developed every day.

However, we can use this to our advantage. You will be learning these new technologies at the same time as people who have been in the industry for years.

✅ But what about Python? I heard it's all the rage?

Python would be my #2 choice.

Python is great for things like Data Science and Machine Learning, but you don't get the immediate satisfaction that JavaScript gives you because it isn't really used to build websites (which is the easiest way to get excited about coding).

You can use Python to build websites and apps using Django, but you will likely have to learn JavaScript anyway if you're main focus is building websites and apps.

Both languages are in demand, but the path of a JavaScript developer is more defined and likely the quicker path to getting hired.

You can learn Python later in your career.

Many people follow the Javascript --> Python path (myself included).

Trust me, Javascript has a great community with a lot of demand.

What is the 20% that will get me 80% of the results?

Most people have an idea that you need to get to 100% before you can move on to the next step.

However, for most skills, including programming, the closer you get to 100%, the longer it takes to get there.

You only have 5 months.

The last 20% will be better achieved by actually working in teams, on real projects (and getting paid). So we are only focusing on getting 80% of the knowledge to use our time efficiently.

So enough jabber, let’s get started. Below you will find what I believe are the best resources for you to get the most out of your time.

By the end of 5 months, you should be able to learn to code for free and land your first real non-entry-level programming job.

No coding bootcamps. Just you, this guide, and your determination.

Important note: I get a lot of requests for a downloadable version of this step-by-step guide so that you can print it off and check things off as you go or be able to send it to your Kindle.

Sign up below and I'll email you the full PDF guide with the month-by-month checklist!

Learn to code & get hired in 5 months: step-by-step

Getting Excited

We will be focusing on the most employable and in-demand skills in 2025.

We don't have time for outdated technologies like Wordpress, PHP or jQuery.

There is nothing wrong with them and I have total respect for them.

But based on many of the emails I have received over the years from students, a lot of people are in financial need and have families that they need to support.

Time is important to you and you want to be employable as soon as possible. To do that, you need to learn the most modern skills with the best job prospects.

So that's exactly what we're going to do.

A Note on A.I. & LLMs (like ChatGPT) 🤖

AI tools aren’t actually going to help you like you think. They aren't a way to get rich quick. They also aren't going to replace everyone's jobs overnight.

No company is hiring someone because they are really good at Googling and finding information.

A.I. tools like ChatGPT are a way for a technical person to become more efficient and productive and increase their value in the industry.

AI tools aren't able to completely replace programmers but they're a great supplement.

You need to change your perspective with these 2 rules:

  1. An AI tool SHOULD SAVE YOU TIME. By saving you time, it makes you more productive and increases your value.
  2. An AI tool SHOULDN'T ADD COMPLEXITY. It’s the biggest thing that senior engineers do for companies. They prevent complexity of a system.

But should you use ChatGPT or these AI tools to help you learn? Absolutely... NOT. Especially at the beginning. Why?

Read this to learn why this is one of the biggest mistakes people are now making when learning to code. After reading this, you won't do this and because of that, you'll already be ahead of everyone who falls for this trap.

At the end of this guide, you'll actually be ready to use AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and Copilot to build impressive portfolio projects... but I'll show you how to use it when we get there in this guide. So be patient!

Last year, I published a guide on how to use ChatGPT to advance your learning and how to avoid pitfalls for our ZTM Academy members but I also made it live for anyone to watch for free 👇.

Month 1: The Big Picture + HTML + CSS

Big questions we will answer: How do computers, the internet, and websites work? How can I build my first website?

When you first watch this, it will seem very confusing. At the end of the 5 months, watch this again and you will see how everything makes sense now.

Although I made this video in 2020, 99% of the fundamentals are still relevant for 2025. Like I said, the goal of this is to get a 10,000 mile high overview of how everything fits together.

Don't worry, we'll explore some of the more modern technologies in the later months of this guide.

  • Follow this CS50 Harvard course on YouTube (you don't need to do the exercises, and skip the Python and Flask lectures).

This is just pure gold from probably the best computer science instructor there is and you don't need to pay $50,000 / year in Harvard tuition.

They do a new one every year and this year's is really really good!

Make sure to actually pause the video and code along to try to figure things out. The struggle is where the learning is happening. Don't just watch the video, otherwise you're wasting your time.

  • Learn to build websites with Bootstrap. Start with this Bootstrap tutorial then go to the Bootstrap documentation and add components you see there to a sample website. Understand the benefits that it provides vs. writing CSS yourself.

BUT... don’t get stuck on this because we want to focus more on the next two which are more employable skills:

    1. Flexbox 💪 & 2) CSS Grid 🚧. Learn how to use Flexbox and CSS Grid by watching the rest of the crash course we've been following starting from this point onwards.

Once you're done, go practice Flexbox here and also on Flexbox Froggy and then practice CSS on CSS Grid Garden.

Here are two good additional resources to learn Flexbox and to learn CSS Grid.

  • Now go build your own website layout from scratch.

  • Understand how to use templates to build websites using free themes and templates.

  • If you have extra time, you can do a few of the lectures from the HTML and CSS Responsive Web Design sections from freeCodeCamp. It's 300 hours long so it's not the best use of your time but it's a nice bonus resource to skim through or bookmark to come back to.

💡 THIS IS IMPORTANT: Don’t try and memorize all the HTML and CSS properties and tags.

This is a mistake I made as well.

You want to start learning Javascript as soon as possible, which is the main part of being a web developer.

No matter how “NOT ready” you feel or incomplete your knowledge of CSS is, just move on to the next part as you will still be using and learning HTML and CSS throughout the rest of the months.

Trust me on this 🙏

Month 2: Javascript

Big question we will answer: How does Javascript make machines do what you want?

This is where most of your focus will be over the next few months. Before we dive in, let's do a quick recap and see where Javascript fits into the picture.

Let's look at a house as an example.

HTML is like the blueprint (content). It outlines the structure and layout of the house (ex: the locations of the walls, doors, windows, and rooms).

Just like a blueprint, HTML tells the web browser where each piece of content should go.

CSS is like the design (style). It controls the appearance and style of the house (ex: color of the walls).

Just like interior design, CSS helps you make your website look nice.

Javascript is like the electrical system (behaviour). It adds functionality and interactivity to the house (ex: being able to turn the lights on and off).

Just like an electrical system, Javascript lets you add dynamic features to your website, like buttons that do something when you click them, or forms that validate input.

  • Do this free in-depth course and start writing little programs in Javascript to make your website(s) from Month 1 behave in a certain way.

  • Learn about DOM manipulation. Learn to inject <script> tags in your HTML to run Javascript files.

And then do these free DOM lessons from my web development bootcamp (this is the paid version of this guide for those wanting more depth + focus in a video + exercises + project approach to learning).

  • Create a Github profile. Don't waste a bunch of time here but at least make it look decent. Follow the steps in the video below to get setup and create a nice looking profile in under 20 minutes. Once you're done, start making commits every day.

Month 3: Javascript + NPM + Building Your Website

Big question we will answer: Can I build a professional looking website and understand the entire process?

  • Google Developer Tools → learn how to debug your programs and websites using Google Chrome. Follow this short course.

  • Start networking by attending local (or virtual) meet-ups on coding and Javascript.

  • Learn the difference between synchronous and asynchronous Javascript.

  • What is the event loop? → Once you have a good grasp of Javascript event loop, this talk will be a game changer. Hands down the best talk on Javascript ever given. Watch this video every month for the next 3 months. Then watch this video below that I made to make sure you understand how Javascript works.

Not many people use browserify anymore, but it's important for you to get the historical context of why it was used.

Understand why NPM is such an amazing tool for developers. Now learn about why we no longer use Browserify, and learn about native imports and exports by watching this.

  • Now using the above knowledge, learn a skill often overlooked by beginners: how to read documentation. Learn to use Parcel by reading their documentation and see how it bundles your code.

Month 4: ReactJS

Big question we will answer: What problem does React solve?

I’m biased. I love React.js. So much that I teach it to others and run workshops on it. So just trust me on this one.

React dominates the industry when it comes to job demand.

There is also Svelte, Angular or VueJS as the main alternatives, but you want to stick with React for the best outcome.

For example, check out the average salary of a developer that knows React.

  • If you have the time and you want an even more in-depth tutorial on React, here it is for free in text form.

  • Optional: Learn Redux → Watch this course. Don’t let your head explode. Then read the documentation for it as well. Learn why managing state is a big problem that all large applications need to solve.

  • Build a sample React application using create-react-app. Create-react-app will blow you away. It will open up a new world for you. Command Line Interfaces (CLIs for short) are now becoming common practice with all frontend frameworks and lets us set up a project quickly.

  • If you want you can also learn how to use Vite instead of create-react-app, but I still prefer the create-react-app.

  • Deploy your React app on GitHub pages. In the future, you should deploy all your projects on Github pages to show off in your portfolio.

  • Deploy your React app on Netlify

  • Start reading through some of the articles here in the Must Read category.

  • Sign up to these email lists to keep in touch with what is happening in the industry: Web Developer Monthly.

  • Create your resume. Make it simple and concise. One page. To help you out, watch this video and this one. Then check out this blog, this video and this one. As a bonus, check out this workshop... but this post is already getting too long and you’re starting to give me evil eyes 👀. Don't spend a lot of time here.

  • Next, update your LinkedIn profile with similar details. Add some skills to your profile and then get some friends and family to help endorse your skills. Follow the steps in the video below.

You can also join our group to help endorse skills with other ZTM students.

Month 5: Servers, Databases and Connecting the Dots

Big question we will answer: Where do servers, databases, and raspberryPis fit into all of this?

Be amazed at how cool you are. I know I said this is supposed to be all free, but when I was starting out, doing this was one of the best "Aha" moments I had. It could be for you, too.

I can already hear people screaming at me based on these suggestions.

"Are you out of your mind?! You don't think X topic is important? Only 1 day for each of these topics?"

Hear me out.

Yes, there are many important topics to learn to be a great developer. But we are focused on efficiency:

1) Build your foundation

2) Get you hired

Most job postings you will be applying for won't mention skills other than what I'm telling you to focus on.

You might as well spend more time learning these additional skills once you are on the job (and getting paid to learn them).

💡 REMEMBER: Your goal is to get employed in the most efficient way. Your learning will grow exponentially once you're on the job so we just need to get to a solid foundation.

Let’s recap

OK got it

By the end of the 5 months, you should have the below requirements completed:

1. Learn HTML and CSS.

Buy a domain and hosting from a place like BlueHost or HostGator. Get the cheapest option, make a website, and put it online. My personal favourite is Netlify. If you don't want to pay, you can use Github Pages which is free. But if you can afford it, buy one of the above hosting platforms so you understand how they work.

This is going to be your portfolio from now on. Learn how to update it and make edits. As you learn new things, continue to make it nicer and nicer. Don’t spend too much time on this. Just enough to show that you’re able to put something online and make it look nice.

Focus on having 1-2 really good and big projects in your portfolio instead of 30 small ones that anyone can build in a day (since employers won’t find this impressive).

I walk you through how to build your site using HTML and CSS in this video below:

2. Start learning Javascript.

Now how can you make your website interactive? Go through the above resources and see what Javascript does and add some to your website.

3. Start pushing your little projects to GitHub.

Employers will look at your GitHub profile and how active you are on there. Try to make commits 5 times a week on your personal projects.

Also, watch this and try contributing to some open-source projects like FreeCodeCamp or Zero To Mastery Open Source.

We set up the projects here so that you can participate no matter when you join or what your level is.

You can read the getting started guide here.

4. Learn how to ask questions and where to find answers on your own.

Learn to Google and use StackOverflow when you run into problems. 99% of the problems you will encounter when you start out can be found online.

You can also join a Discord or Slack server for developers and ask questions when you are stuck and can't easily find the answer on Google or StackOverflow.

The key is to practice solving your own problems rather than just constantly following tutorials (aka tutorial hell) and watching somebody else answer your questions or blindly relying on ChatGPT or other LLMs.

The best learning comes through the struggle.

5. Become comfortable using a command line to do things.

Always have it open when practicing and try using it instead of the GUI (graphical user interface).

6. Learn the newest features and trends in Javascript, and learn to solve problems with them (i.e. Promises, ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES2020/1/2/3+ and the latest functional programming techniques).

Also, keep an eye out on the state of javascript survey every year to see what is trending in the industry.

7. Build your first project using React.

If you haven't already built a project using React, make sure you have one in your portfolio by following this crash course.

8. Attend local (or virtual) meet-ups and start talking to people.

You will be overwhelmed and confused by all of the things you don’t know. Don’t worry, this is natural. Just start meeting other programmers and coders so you're surrounded by the lingo and jargon.

9. Keep up with the industry.

Do this by reading my monthly industry newsletter and by listening to the SyntaxFM podcast.

This will get you familiar with the jargon so when interview time comes, it doesn’t overwhelm you. The first few times you listen, you will have no idea what they are talking about.

Don’t lose hope. Eventually it will all make sense.

For a more advanced podcast, but probably the best on software engineering, check out Software Engineering Daily. This is a podcast you will appreciate a lot more later on in your career.

I'm not going to mention YouTube here because we all know it. Search YouTube anytime you want to learn quickly about a certain topic.

There are so many more options out there now compared to when I first started years ago including the Zero To Mastery YouTube Channel.

10. Create a simple resume and make your LinkedIn profile look nice.

Don’t spend too much time on your resume. Make it one page, make it concise, and write down all the skills you’ve learned in the previous months. Use a prebuilt template like this.

Being self-taught shows a lot of courage.

Remember that your resume is just to get you an interview, after which, they are as good as paper towels… ok bad analogy because paper towels are very useful. I spent less than 2 hours on my resume.

What makes you different than other developers is the fact that you come from a different field and background. Think about and highlight how your background and experiences differentiate you.

Once you have your one-page resume, update your LinkedIn profile with similar details. Follow this guide.

11. Start applying to recruitment agencies.

We are going to use them as practice. Most of these have practice interviews with professional coders so they can rank your skills. You are going to leverage these to practice programming questions and ask these experts any questions you want, for free!

12. Learn about LLMs and start using A.I.

With the rise of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, GitHub CoPilot and others, there's a trend in the industry for team leads to want their programmers to learn how to use these tools to make their life easier.

To be clear, this is not getting these AI tools to do your job, but to help you speed up your workflow process.

It still early days, and so companies are still testing the water.

However, it would be wise to start playing around with these tools now and seeing if you can start simplifying some of the tasks you already do.

For example:

You can use them to check your code for alternative solutions, to write documentation, come up with code examples, etc.

Get on board with them now and learn what you can so you don't get left behind:

Once you are done with that and if you want to dive deeper, you can check out all of Zero To Mastery's A.I. courses here.

13. Start applying for jobs that you are way under-qualified for.

You probably won't feel like you're ready, that's totally normal.

But you'll be surprised when you actually get some interviews. Start off by applying for jobs/companies that aren't #1 on your list.

The more jobs you apply for, the more interviews you get to do and the better you will become at doing them.

Then start applying for the jobs/companies you want most.

You should never settle for a job (ex: the first offer you get). Aim higher and don't just settle for the lowest junior dev role.

See part 2 for more detail on this.

14. Interview and be amazed at how employable you are.

Not all of them will go well, but then again, not many developers learned everything in the last 5 months. It shows ambition.

ONLY apply to jobs on LinkedIn. Don’t waste your time on the mass job board sites like Craigslist, Kijiji, or

Spend the rest of your time networking to get referrals and directly emailing, messaging or calling the company you want to work for.

I go into more detail on this in part 3.

Finally, you can check out this handbook for some technical interview advice.

15. At the end of 5 months, watch this roadmap again to understand the full web developer landscape and industry (still 99% relevant even though I created this in 2020).

With everything you've learned, you should now be able to understand everything in the video and how all the skills fit together. This should give you confidence moving forward.

Biggest takeaway from all of this

Technology is always changing. This is especially true with web development.

Things are moving so fast right now that it is impossible to know every single library, syntax, or framework.

What you do need to know is how everything fits together, what each technology is trying to solve and the foundations.

Most importantly, you just need to know what exists so you can easily look into it and figure it out when the time comes on the job.

Programmers are problem solvers.

Learn to solve problems with the tools available to you. Most of us (yes, even senior developers) spend a lot of time on sites like StackOverflow, looking things up on Google, and now getting LLMs to help us become more efficient.

Once you build the foundation of your knowledge, you can go anywhere.

You just need to know how to look for answers and ask good questions (learning how to ask good questions is really what prompt engineering and using LLMs is all about).



Focus on efficiency. The reason most of us give up on a goal is because we don’t see results. By focusing on the things that matter, it makes learning fun.

And it doesn’t end here. Learning never stops.

Our first goal is to get employed as a developer as soon as possible so that you get to keep learning while getting paid.

Coding gets more and more fun with each passing day and it’s even better when you are getting paid every day to solve problems and develop your skills.

The real growth happens when you start working on real projects with real teams.

That’s why I strongly believe that you want your initial ‘study’ period to be as short as possible. And you get to avoid going into debt and increase your time in the best environment for learning: working in teams.

I wouldn’t even recommend freelancing to start off.

You want to surround yourself in an environment where everybody is smarter than you and you are working with them every day.

From there, be a sponge and absorb all of the information.

We’re building your tree trunk of knowledge. When that trunk gets big and strong, and the roots are all put into place, your rate of learning new things will be exponential. You’ll form branches and leaves of knowledge faster and faster with each passing day.

Make 2025 the year that you took a risk, you learned a highly in-demand skill, you were terrified, you had new experiences, and you received new opportunities. Good luck!

One last thing…

I created an online coding bootcamp (that won't put you $10,000+ into debt) called the The Complete Web Developer where I personally walk you through all of the steps I mentioned above.

You just convinced me I could do this for free, why should I pay for your course?

You're 100% right.

But this is an option if you want everything in one place, extra help with your questions and want to be part of our thriving community of thousands of students & developers who are also going through the course and helping each other out every day.

It’s over 200 HD videos and 40+ hours of content. It took an insane number of hours to make (and keep updated on a monthly basis), but I’m really proud of it.

I strongly believe it is better than any coding bootcamp (and much more affordable) or any other online course or coding bootcamp out there.

And the testimonials speak for themselves.

Or maybe you just want to support my work by taking some of my intermediate and advanced courses once you use this guide to get hired 🙂.

Don't forget to get your company to pay for it. This is another perk of getting hired as a developer... most companies will give you a "learning budget" that you can use to keep developing your skills!

You can even watch the first 6+ hours of my Complete Web Developer Coding Bootcamp below for free.

Good luck and most importantly... have FUN!

If you enjoyed this guide and found it helpful, all I ask is that you pay it forward and share it with someone else you think could find it useful.

Due to popular demand, I also wrote these additional follow-up posts to help you go from Junior to Senior:

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