What you'll learn
- Become a top 10% Excel power user to enhance your skillset and career opportunities
- Build a Budget Project where you create a personal budgeting spreadsheet that teaches you Excel while analyzing your own finances
- Automate your day-to-day tasks through Macros and VBA
- Transform and clean text data with Excel functions like LEFT/RIGHT, MID, FIND, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM
- Analyze large datasets with Excel Pivot Tables
- Use Excel for rapid development of data-driven applications
- Use Excel's extensive collection of visualizations to “tell the story” of even the most complex data in an intuitive and visually appealing way
- Use Excel's powerful charting engine to tell the story of your data with attractive data visualizations
- Learn how to build Excel formulas for data analysis, data science, data entry, and everyday office use
- Manipulate date and time data with functions like DATEDIF and NETWORKDAYS
- Learn how to work with external datasets
- Data entry tips and tricks
- Learn why Excel is one of the most popular pieces of software across all industries
- Start or supplement your programming journey by recording VBA macros in Excel
Why learn Excel?
Because it's one of the most powerful applications ever built, with a massive and widely underappreciated feature set. It has the horsepower and flexibility to play a crucial role in any Data Analyst and Developer’s toolbox.
If you squint just a little bit, Microsoft Excel absolutely has all the essential components of a full-stack application development platform. And for rapid development of data-driven applications, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better solution.
Bottom line: whether you're a programming novice or an experienced developer, or you need to use data for any reason, there's a good chance Excel has something for you.
The next time you're tempted to scoff at a colleague using Excel, consider that it just might be the fastest, best tool for the job they're doing... and it might just be for the job you're doing too.
Why this Excel course?
This Excel Bootcamp is focused on efficiency.
So you never have to waste your time on confusing, out-of-date, incomplete tutorials anymore.
Instead, you'll learn everything from the basics to using the most advanced features and functions Excel has to offer. All in one course.
And you'll be learning Excel in a fun and supportive envrionment.
By enrolling today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community classroom to learn alongside thousands of students, alumni, mentors, TAs and Instructors.
Most importantly, you will be learning from an industry expert that has actual real-world experience working as a Data Solutions Engineer on massive datasets for some of the largest companies.
Here is what the course will cover to take you from Zero to Excel Mastery:
The curriculum is presented in basic building blocks so that you can build your knowledge step-by-step.
We start from the very beginning by teaching you Excel basics and fundamentals. We then dive into advanced topics so you can make good decisions on data manipulation, analysis, and visualization, and tools for use in any of your future Excel projects.
Along the way, we give you many exercises so you can practice yourself but you will also build a massive personal budgeting spreadsheet using Excel macros and data visualization. This will not only help solidify your understanding but also help you master your finances.
By the end of this course, we guarantee you're going to love Excel. It will make you more effective and efficient at your job, no matter your role or industry.
Here's a section by section breakdown:
1. EXCEL 101 - You'll learn about the fundamentals of Excel, such as formulas, working with multiple worksheets & workbooks, and utilizing Excel for data entry. With just the fundamentals, we'll be able to manipulate, format, and prepare data for analysis. You'll also start your first exercise to practice and solidify your knowledge.
2. FILTERING & SORTING DATA - You'll learn to filter and sort data sets, further preparing data sets for analysis and visualization.
3. EXCEL FORMULAS 101 - You'll dive into the magic of Excel formulas for text, dates, and arithmetic purposes. We'll also start the Budget Project where you will start applying your knowledge to creating a personal budgeting spreadsheet that will allow you to masterfully track and analyze your personal finances.
4. CRUNCHING NUMBERS WITH EXCEL FUNCTIONS - You'll start learning how to analyze data with arithmetic functions including calculating median and standard deviation. Throughout your career, you'll need to know the importance of these fundamental arithmetic functions and what they say about your data.
5. CONDITIONAL CALCULATIONS - You'll go down the rabbit hole into more advanced subjects with calculations that are conditional upon variables. The goal of Excel is to make the relationships and patterns in data pop and allow you to tell the story of complex data sets, and conditional calculations are your first step towards doing that.
6. DATE & TIME FUNCTIONS - You'll learn how to add some pizzaz to your spreadsheets using the DATE and TIME Excel functions and analyze data across one of the most important variables that you'll want to consider when analyzing your data: changes across time.
7. TEXT FUNCTIONS - Ever receive a data dump and need to somehow sort through it all? Here you're going to learn how to pull out pieces of text data from a data set so that you can sort, organize, and ultimately analyze it using Text Excel functions. Large, messsy data sets are present in almost every industry, so this is going to come in handy.
8. LOGICAL & LOOKUP FUNCTIONS - You'll start working with the magical VLOOKUP function! VLOOKUP works a lot like a phone book, where you start with the piece of data you know, like someone's name, in order to find out what you don't know, like their phone number. Nifty, huh?
9. MODELING IN EXCEL - Now the tables will turn (so to speak!) and you'll begin to learn from our data! This'll be done by learning how to model our data. Modeling allows you to take messy data, learn from it, and make decisions from it. We'll also help you model your own finances in the Budget Project.
10. DATA VISUALIZATION - You'll learn to tell a story with our data using graphs. As humans we're often visual learners - we can't just look at a spreadsheet of numbers, we need to visualize it in order to separate the signal from the noise. Here you will learn how to do just that, so you can tell a persuastive story with your data that will influence how you (and your clients or boss!) make decisions.
11. WORKING WITH STRUCTURED DATA - You're going to learn to present & structure data using tables. We'll look at how we can use tables to present complex data, including external data and utlizing ranges, in a cohesive and structured manner.
12. PIVOT TABLES - You'll be introduced to one of our favourite parts of Excel: Pivot Tables. A Pivot Table is a table of grouped values that aggregates the individual items of a more extensive table within one or more discrete categories. This summary might include sums, averages, or other statistics, which the pivot table groups together using a chosen aggregation function applied to the grouped values.
Sound complex? It doesn't have to be. We break it down step-by-step so you learn exactly how powerful Pivot Tables are and how you can create and use them yourself.
13. MACROS & VBA - You'll learn about VBA Macros ("Visual Basic Application"). They're used to create custom user-generated functions and to speed up manual tasks by creating automated processes. Basically like writing your own code in Excel. Once you learn to do this, the possibilities are endless...
What's the bottom line?
This course is not about making you just watch along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you don’t know what to do other than watch another tutorial... No!
This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner in Excel and turn you into an Excel master 💪.
How do we know?
Because thousands of Zero To Mastery graduates have gotten hired and are now working at companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, Shopify + other top tech companies.
They come from all different backgrounds, ages, and experiences. Many even started as complete beginners.
So there's no reason it can't be you too.
And you have nothing to lose. Because you can start learning right now and if this course isn't everything you expected, we'll refund you 100% within 30 days. No hassles and no questions asked.
When's the best time to get started? Today!
There's never a bad time to learn in-demand skills. But the sooner, the better. So start learning Excel today by joining the ZTM Academy. You'll have a clear roadmap to developing the skills to build your own projects, get hired, and advance your career.
Join Zero To Mastery Now