Your career path
What You'll Learn
- Deep Learning, Transfer Learning and Neural Networks using Tensorflow and PyTorch
- Get experience using the modern tools that big tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Meta, and OpenAI use
- Build TensorFlow and PyTorch models using Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing
- Learn all about Generative A.I. and Large Language Models (LLMs)
- How to ace all of your interviews, get more job offers and a higher salary

Believe it or not, you now have enough skills to start applying to jobs and even get hired! This process usually takes a while and it's good to start even if you don't feel "ready". Apply to 5 jobs online right now and see what happens. You don't even need to "want" these jobs. The goal is to practice applying and practice going through the interview process. Once you finish applying to 5 jobs (you don't need to hear back), move on to the next step in this Career Path.
The Next 2 Courses
If you have the time, we recommend that you do both the TensorFlow and the PyTorch courses. You can pick the order! However, if you already know that you prefer one over the other, or your job requires you to learn just one, pick that one. Again, our recommendation is that you do both courses since you will learn a lot from each (to be a top Machine Learning expert you should know both TensorFlow and PyTorch).