What you'll learn
- 4 Week Challenge that will be your step-by-step guide to meditation for an absolute beginner
- Meditation techniques that work for anyone at any stage of their career
- To use meditation to become a more efficient learner
- To use meditation as a tool to improve your productivity and accelerate your career growth
- Customized meditations to prepare you for a job interview, for an important meeting, or for your next big project
- Why Big Tech strongly encourages their employees to meditate and the career benefits of incorporating it into your life
- How to make meditation a habit that is part of your daily life
- The health & wellness benefits of meditation
- How to incorporate meditation into your busy schedule
- Everything from where you should meditate to breathing techniques to help you de-stress
It only takes 30 days to build a lifelong habit. That's why this course is structured as a 4 Week Challenge that will take you from zero to being able to use meditation to improve your focus and productivity for the rest of your life.
Plus this course is packed with customized meditations specifically for dealing with situations we all face while learning and working:
- Calming your nerves for a job interview
- Staying relaxed during a stressful sprint or project
- Maximizing your productivity while building your next big project
- And we're continually adding new meditations
This meditation course is part of our ZTM Life Skills series of courses.
We're strong believers that the best candidates and employees for any role (developer, designer, machine learning engineer, etc.) are those that have strong technical skills and strong soft skills.
Meditation is a skill used by many of world's TOP performers. From top athletes to top executives. If you want to be a top performer, this is a skill you should add to your toolkit.
But we don't need to convince you. If you're reading this, you must be the type of person who likes taking initiative and improving their abilities to become a better version of themselves.
The good news is that you already have the drive that many people don't.
Now you can use that drive to learn the same meditation techniques that FAANG companies encourage their employees to adopt so that they are the happiest, healthiest, and most productive version of themselves.
And you won't be learning alone.
Because by enrolling today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community classroom so that you can learn meditation (and many other skills) alongside thousands of students, alumni, mentors, TAs, and Instructors.
Finally, this course will be constantly evolving. Just as your career journey changes over time, this course will also constantly evolve and be updated with new meditations, lessons, and resources to ensure you maximize your productivity, health, and happiness.
Come back to this course anytime you want to review the absolute latest meditation best practices.
Here is what the course will cover to take you from an absolute meditation beginner to using meditation to be more productive, mindful, and satisfied in life:
1. Meditation Fundamentals: Meditation is really about focusing on one thing at a time and being present. You may have meditated before without even knowing it. So we'll explore all your questions about meditation:
- What is it?
- Where did it start?
- What types of meditation are there?
- Does meditation need to be spiritual?
- What are common misconceptions about meditation?
2. Benefits: Improve Productivity, Focus & More: Why meditate? The physical and mental health benefits are well documented. Millions of people around the world (including in Big Tech and top performers in many industries) use meditation to improve their productivity, their focus, and to increase their mindfulness and life satisfaction.
We'll explore all of these benefits and how to make meditation part of your routine (just like going to the gym or doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge) so that the benefits will carry over to your career and your lifelong journey of learning.
3. 4 Week Challenge: The best way for you to learn is by doing. And the best way to build a routine is by doing it consistently. So you're going to jump right into a 4 Week Challenge that will simultaneously teach you all about meditation, allow you to discover what works best for you, and help you make meditation a routine.
- Week 1 - Breath Awareness: You'll be introduced to your first meditations, which are only 5 minutes long (you can do anything for 5 minutes). You'll also learn all about using specialized breathing techniques like 'box breathing' to make you calm and help you focus.
- Week 2 - Body Scan & Relaxation: Now you're on a roll, so you're going to level-up to 10 minute meditations! These will teach you body scanning techniques that help you to become more aware of your own thinking processes and how to optimize them for success.
- Week 3 - Mindfulness: You're creating a great lifelong habit now, so you'll take it up a notch here with 15 minute meditations. Here, you'll learn one of the most important skills taught at ZTM: mindfulness. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, not constantly dwelling on your past mistakes (we all have them!) or living only for the future. You'll use these meditations to become more mindful at school and at work.
- Week 4 - Bringing Meditation to Your Everyday Life: Time to bring it home! This week you will solidify your commitment and skills using 20 minute meditations. You'll use this week to incorporate meditation into all aspects of your life too, not just at school or work, to maximize the producitivity and focus benefits that meditation gives you.
4. Custom Meditations & Practices: Do you have a job interview coming up? A big sprint at work? A big test at school? Oana provides you with meditations that you can download and use any time and anywhere.
These custom meditations are meant for the most common challenges facing ZTM students. Using these meditations will help you stay motivated no matter what challenges are thrown at you during your career journey.
And we're continually adding new meditations so you'll have a meditation to help you through any situation. Don't see the meditation that you want?
Just let your instructor (Oana) know in our private community on Discord and she'll look to create something that will help you and your fellow students!
This course is not "woo-hoo". It's not about theory. It's not about making you listen along without actually learning to implement this new skill in your day-to-day life. No!
It's about taking action from Day 1. This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner in meditation to someone that is able to use meditation as a tool to improve their productivity & focus, and advance their career 💪.
When's the best time to get started? Today!
There's never a bad time to learn in-demand skills. But the sooner, the better. So start learning meditation to improve your productivity and focus today by joining the ZTM Academy. You'll have a clear roadmap to developing the skills to get hired and advance your career.
Join Zero To Mastery Now