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VBA Cheat Sheet

We created this Excel VBA Cheat Sheet initially for students of our VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Programming Course. But we're now sharing it with any and all Developers, Data Scientists, and Data Analysts that want to learn and remember some of the key functions and concepts of VBA and have a quick reference guide to the basics of Visual Basic for Applications.

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If you’ve stumbled across this cheatsheet and are just starting to learn VBA, you've made a great choice!

VBA was created by Microsoft and is the the programming language that lives within Excel and the Microsoft Office suite of products. This has made it very popular with companies solving analytics challenges and is a great language to learn if you're interested in becoming a Business Intelligence Analyst or Data Scientist.

However, if you're stuck in an endless cycle of YouTube tutorials and want to start building real world projects, become a professional developer, have fun and actually get hired, then come join the Zero To Mastery Academy. You'll learn VBA from actual industry professionals alongside thousands of students in our private Discord community.

You'll not only learn to become a top 10% VBA Programmer and Data Analyst by learning advanced topics most courses don't cover. You'll also build VBA projects, including a complete data management system with a sleek user interface that you can use to add to your portfolio and wow employers!

Just want the cheatsheet? No problem! Please enjoy and if you'd like to submit any suggestions, feel free to email us at

Basic Programming Operations

Operation Code
Declare a variable Dim myVar As String
Set the value of a variable myVar = “some value”
Set the value of an object variable Set myObj = Range(“B2:C3”)
Gather user input userInput = InputBox(“What’s your favorite color?”)
Print a message to the screen MsgBox(“You shall not pass!”)
Execute a macro from within another macro Call myMacro
Use a built-in worksheet function in a macro Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(“A:A”)
Comment out a line of code - note the apostrophe (‘) ‘VBA will ignore me!

Basic Operations on Data

Operation Code
Addition imFour = 2 + 2
Subtraction imZero = 2 - 2
Multiplication imAlsoFour  = 2 * 2
Division (uses “/” operator) MsgBox(10 / 3) ‘returns 3.333333
Integer Division (uses “\” operator) MsgBox(10 \ 3) ‘returns 3
Concatenation helloWorld = “Hello” & “world”

Data Types

Data Type Description Example
Integer Whole number between -32,768 and 32,767 11
Long Whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 1,234,567
Single Decimal number with seven digits of precision 3.141593
Double Decimal number with fifteen digits of precision 3.14159265358979
Date Date values 3/5/2021
String Text data “Hello world”
Boolean Logical true/false values False
Range Range object in Excel Set myRange = Range(“A1”)
Worksheet Worksheet object in Excel Set mySheet = Sheets(“Sheet 1”)
Workbook Worksheet object in Excel Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(1)
Variant Unspecified data type myVariant = “Anything goes!”

Logical/Comparison Operators

Operator Symbol Example
Equals = 5 = 5
Not Equals <> 5 <> 55
Greater than > 2 > 1
Greater than or equal to >= 2 >= 2
Less than < 4 < 5
Less than or equal to <= 4 <= 5
And And (5 = 5) And (5 <> 55) = True
(5 = 5) And (5 = 55) = False
(5 <> 5) And (5 = 55) = False
Or Or (5 = 5) Or (5 <> 55) = True
(5 = 5) Or (5 = 55) = True
(5 <> 5) Or (5 = 55) = False
Not Not Not (5 = 5) = False
Not (5 = 55) = True

If Statements

Type Example Scenario VBA Code
Simple If statement If the value stored in the variable “val” is greater than 1,000, print the text “Large”.
Otherwise, do nothing.
If val > 1000 Then:
End If
If-Else statement If the value stored in the variable “val” is greater than 1,000, print the text “Large”.
Otherwise, print the text “Small”.
If val > 1000 Then: MsgBox(“Large”)
Else: MsgBox(“Small”)
End If
If-ElseIf-Else statement If the value stored in the variable “val” is greater than 1,000, print the text “Large”.
If the value stored in the variable “val” is between 200 and 1,000, print the text “Medium”. >
Otherwise, print the text “Small”.
If val > 1000 Then: MsgBox(“Large”)
Else If val >= 200 Then: MsgBox(“Medium”)
Else: MsgBox(“Small”)
End If


Type Example Scenario VBA Code
Do Loop Print the first 5 integers to the screen Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
If counter > 5 Then
Exit Do
End If
MsgBox (counter)
counter = counter + 1
Do While Loop Print the first 5 integers to the screen Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1 
Do While counter <= 5
MsgBox (counter)
counter = counter + 1
Do Until Loop Print the first 5 integers to the screen Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
Do Until counter > 5
MsgBox (counter)
counter = counter + 1
For Next Loop Print the first 5 integers to the screen Dim counter As Integer 
For counter = 1 To 5
MsgBox (counter)
Next counter
For Each Loop Print the values in cells A1 through A5 to the screen Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("A1:A5") 
MsgBox (cell.Value)
Next cell


Example Scenario VBA Code
Create an empty array with 5 integer elements and a 0-based index Dim myArr(5) As Integer
Set the value at the 3rd position of an array with a 0-based index Dim myArr(5) As Integer
myArr(2) = 3
Print the 3rd element of an array with a 0-based index Dim myArr(5)
myArr(2) = 3
Create an empty 2-dimensional array with 3 rows and 2 columns, that can accommodate multiple data types Dim myArr(2, 1) As Variant
Set the values of a 3x2 array Dim myArr(2, 1) As Variant
myArr(0,0) = “one”
myArr(0,1) = 1
myArr(1,0) = “two”
myArr(1,1) = 2
myArr(2,0) = “three”
myArr(2,1) = 3
Print the maximum index (upper bound) of an array Dim myArr(5) As String
Print all the elements of an array using a For Next Loop Dim myArr(2) As Variant
myArr(0) = "one"
myArr(1) = 2
myArr(2) = "three"

Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 0 To UBound(myArr)
MsgBox (myArr(counter))
Next counter
Transfer data from cells A1 through A5 to an array Dim myArr() As Variant
myArr = Range("A1:A5").Value
Transfer data from a 3-element array to an Excel range Dim myArr(2) As Variant
myArr(0) = "one"
myArr(1) = 2
myArr(2) = "three"
Range("A1:C1") = myArr
Transfer data from a 3-element array to a vertical Excel range Dim myArr(2) As Variant
myArr(0) = "one"
myArr(1) = 2
myArr(2) = "three"

Range("A1:A3") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(myArr)
Use the SPLIT function to convert a text string into an array of words Dim textStr As String
Dim splitStr() As String
textStr = "I am a list of words"
splitStr() = SPLIT(textStr)
Use the JOIN function to combine an array of values into a single string, with those values separated by spaces Dim myArr(5) As Variant
Dim combinedStr As String
myArr(0) = "I"
myArr(1) = “am”
myArr(2) = "a"
myArr(3) = "list"
myArr(4) = "of"
myArr(5) = "words"
combinedStr = JOIN(myArr, “ ”)

The With Construct

Example Scenario VBA Code (without using With) VBA Code (using With)
Format cell A1 as follows: Bold, Italic, Font-style: Roboto, Font-size: 14 Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
Range("A1").Font.Name = "Roboto"
Range("A1").Font.Size = 14
With Range("A1").Font .Bold = True
.Italic = True
.Name = "Roboto"
.Size = 14
End With

Working With Ranges

Example Scenario VBA Code
Target a single cell using a hard-coded reference Range(“A1”)
Target multiple cells using a hard-coded reference Range(“A1:C3”)
Print the value of a cell using a hard-coded reference MsgBox(Range(“A1”).Value)
Set the value of a cell using a hard-coded reference Range(“A1”).Value = 11
Print the value of the active cell MsgBox(ActiveCell.Value)
Set the value of the active cell ActiveCell.Value = 22
Print the value of the cell 1 row below, and 2 columns to the right, of the active cell MsgBox(ActiveCell.Offset(1,2))
Set the value of the cell 1 row above, and 2 columns to the left, of the active cell ActiveCell.Offset(-1,-2).Value = “I’m upset that I’ve been offset!”
Use the Cells property to print the value of cell A1 MsgBox(Cells(1,1))
Use the Cells property to set the value of cell D3 Cells(3,4).Value = “Row 3, column 4”
Use the Cells property within a For Next loop to print the values of the first 5 cells in column A Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 1 To 5
MsgBox (Cells(counter, 1))
Next counter
Use the Cells property within a nested For Next loop to print the values of all the cells in a 2-dimensional selection (that is, the cells currently selected by the user) Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer

For a = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For b = 1 To
MsgBox (Selection.Cells(a, b))
Next b
Next a
Select the last cell with data in a column of values starting in cell A1 Range("A1").End(xlDown).Select
Select all the values in a column of data starting in cell A1 Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Select

Working With Worksheets

Example Scenario VBA Code
Activate a sheet by referencing its name Sheets(“Sheet 1”).Activate
Activate a sheet by referencing its index Sheets(1).Activate
Print the name of the active worksheet MsgBox(ActiveSheet.Name)
Add a new worksheet Sheets.Add
Add a new worksheet and specify its name Sheets.Add.Name = “My New Sheet”
Delete a worksheet Sheets(“My New Sheet”).Delete
Hide a worksheet Sheets(2).visible = False
Unhide a worksheet Sheets(2).visible = True
Loop through all sheets in a workbook Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 
MsgBox (ws.Name)
Next ws

Working With Workbooks

Example Scenario VBA Code
Activate a workbook by referencing its name Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Activate
Activate the first workbook that was opened, among all open workbooks Workbooks(1).Activate
Activate the last workbook that was opened, among all open workbooks Workbooks(Workbooks.Count).Activate
Print the name of the active workbook MsgBox(ActiveWorkbook.Name)
Print the name of this workbook (the one containing the VBA code) MsgBox(ThisWorkbook.Name)
Add a new workbook Workbooks.Add
Open a workbook Workbooks.Open(“C:\My Workbook.xlsx”)
Save a workbook Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Save
Close a workbook and save changes Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=True
Close a workbook without saving changes Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=False
Loop through all open workbooks Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
MsgBox (wb.Name)
Next wb

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Press this To do this
Alt+F11 Toggle between the VBA editor and the Excel window
F2 Open the Object browser
F4 Open the Properties window
F5 Runs the current procedure (or resumes running it if it has been paused)
F8 Starts “debug mode”, in which one line of code is executed at a time
Ctrl + Break Halts the currently running procedure
Ctrl+J List the properties and methods for the selected object

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