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Cale Shapera

Cale Shapera

Conversational AI Engineer

Cale Shapera is a Conversational AI Engineer with a passion for learning and teaching. He began his coding journey in 2018 right here at the Zero To Mastery Academy and has since then developed those skills to specialize in the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence and large language models while building interactive chatbots for some of the world's biggest brands.

Prior to his career in tech, Cale taught English in Japan and Korea. These experiences have given him a unique perspective and understanding of different cultures and ways of learning.

Cale firmly believes that no beliefs are that firm! Everyone is capable of learning new things, completely transforming their lives and careers in the process.

As an instructor, Cale brings his technical expertise and passion for teaching to create engaging and effective learning experiences for his students. He is dedicated to helping his students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the tech industry and beyond.

Drawing from his vast experiences, Cale will show you that you don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get the skills you need to learn in-demand and future-proof skills, get hired, and make a difference.

Fun Fact: The above was written with assistance from ChatGPT!