Our Community Discord

The ZTM Discord is the 24/7 online community exclusive for ZTM members. It's where ZTM instructors, TAs, mentors, alumni and fellow students go above and beyond to help guide you and ensure you’re on the right path to achieve your goals.

Students tell us that the ZTM Community Discord has been a key factor in taking their skills, confidence, and career to the next level.

Come join 400,000+ developers & tech professionals by enrolling in the Zero To Mastery Academy today 👇
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Learn together. Grow together.
Active. Thriving. Supportive. Helpful. Friendly. Motivating. Essential. Just a few of the words students use to describe the ZTM Discord.

Watch the video below to get a behind-the-scenes look.

Frequently asked questions

How can the ZTM Community help me? What have others accomplished or been able to use the Community for?

We definitely hope so! Like many things, the more you put in, the more you get out.

People constantly reach out to us on social media asking all kinds of career advice questions, for help with their projects/code, how to find study groups, etc. and unfortunately we just can’t answer all of these questions. However, these types of questions are being answered every single day with the Community.

By joining the Zero To Mastery online community classroom, you can:

  • Connect with other developers, engineers, data scientists, designers
  • Form study groups and complete ZTM courses together
  • Ask questions and get advice from other people at your same level as well as more experienced professionals
  • Get feedback on projects
  • Meet other students around the world (and likely even someone from your hometown!)
  • Learn how to answer questions and help other students which will accelerate your own learning
  • Get help from others with questions and exercises
  • Work on coding challenges and real-world open-source projects with other students

It’s pretty awesome to see hundreds of ZTM alumni also active every single day, continuing to engage with the community, give back, and level up their own skills and career.

How do I join the ZTM Community Discord?

Once you join the Zero To Mastery Academy, you will be provided with an invite link to join.

I’m a ZTM student, is there a getting started guide?

Definitely. Many people are using Discord for the first time and getting to know the community so our Community Management team put together this helpful ZTM Community Discord guide.

Is the Community just students?

Just students? Being a student is the best. We’re lifelong learners and students ourselves! That said, you will find students currently taking ZTM courses, alumni, mentors, TAs and ZTM instructors.

Is the ZTM Community active?

Did you even watch the video at the top?!

Seriously though, there are thousands of members in the community, consisting of current students, alumni, mentors, TAs and ZTM instructors. There is literally always someone online, 24 hours a day to help you in your journey, no matter how beginner or experienced you are and no matter where you're at in your journey.

Better yet, there is almost guaranteed to be someone who has been in your shoes that has experienced the feelings or situation you're feeling right now. And most importantly, they are willing to help.

For you numbers people out there, we aren’t going to write anything here because the numbers grow too quickly. Scroll back up and check out the numbers at the top of the page or watch the video and see for yourself.

What is Discord?

Discord is a communications application specifically built for communities. It’s similar to Slack if you've used that before.

Discord is great for the ZTM community because it allows us to do voice, video and text communication all into one application and can be run in most browsers, devices and operating systems, making it accessible to as many students as possible.

What’s the point of the ZTM community?

Short version: Increase the chances that ZTM students achieve their current goals and help them continue to grow throughout their career.

Longer version: Learning alone is hard. We've all been there. We've all tried to learn new skills and struggled. It can be frustrating, daunting, and just plain challenging, especially if you're trying to change careers.

We feel strongly that the Zero To Mastery Discord server is an essential part of the learning experience and greatly increases the chances for students to achieve their goals.

It's crazy to think that Colleges and Coding Bootcamps charge you tens of thousands of dollars to provide you with this type of experience. It doesn't have to be that way!

In fact, ~20% of ZTM students are also enrolled at a College or in-person Coding Bootcamp but feel like they just aren't getting all of the skills and support they need.

This community is what we wish existed when we were learning to code. Not to be the cliché old guys but “back in our day…” in-person meetups were really the only way to meet and connect with other developers if you weren’t attending a college for a Computer Science degree.

Where are ZTM Community members and students from?

We have dedicated channels consisting of members from all over the world. Matt shows you some of the Locals channels in the video above.

Why Discord?

The ZTM Developer Community actually initially launched on Slack but we moved to Discord because we quickly blasted past Slack’s message caps. It also lacked some additional features we wanted to provide to the ZTM Community.

With so many members, how do you keep things under control?

We don’t. It’s a complete free-for-all wild, wild west!

That was sarcastic :) - Honestly, we aren't perfect but we try our best. All the credit goes to our Star Mentors and Community Management team led by Matt (the guy with the beautiful voice in that video above).

They do an amazing (and often thankless) job of keeping the community a safe, supportive, and productive environment for all members. They’ve even come up with a Code of Conduct.

What ZTM students are saying

Our courses and community have helped 1,000s of Zero To Mastery students go from zero to getting hired to levelling up their skills and advancing their careers to new heights.

Rated 4.8/5.0 on TrustPilot by 100s of happy students