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Django Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery

Learn Django from scratch and from an industry expert by building real-world apps. You'll learn the fundamentals all the way to advanced skills so that you can go from complete beginner to being able to get hired as a Django Developer in 2024!

20 Days

Average time students take to complete this course.

Last updated: May 2024

Course overview

We guarantee you that this is the most efficient and up-to-date way to learn Django. You will learn Django from scratch, build a bunch of fun and practical Django projects and gain the skills you need to get hired as a Django Developer in 2024!

What you'll learn

  • How to build complete, fully functional web applications from scratch using Django
  • Solidify your skills by building multiple projects
  • Learn why Django is a favorite framework amongst developers
  • Leverage Django's admin interface to manage your application's data
  • How to use Django's built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to interact with databases
  • Understand the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and how it's implemented in Django as MVT (Model-View-Template)
  • Create and process forms in Django, including form validation, submission, and displaying form data
  • Implement URL routing and navigation, including how to define URL patterns in Django and map them to specific views
  • Utilize the REST framework, a powerful toolkit for building Web APIs
  • Have the skills and understanding of Django to confidently apply for developer jobs

This Django course covers all the Django best practices and trends for 2024 and is focused on efficiency.

That means you'll never have to spend time on confusing, out-of-date, incomplete tutorials anymore.

Instead, we'll quickly push you beyond the basics so that you can build professional, modern apps on your own using the latest version of Django and become a Django Programmer.

The success stories speak for themselves.

Graduates of Zero To Mastery are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Uber, Facebook, Shopify + other top tech companies. They are also working as top freelancers getting paid while working remotely around the world. This can be you.

By enrolling today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community classroom to learn alongside thousands of students, alumni, mentors, TAs and Instructors.

Most importantly, you will learn from a senior industry professional that has actual real-world experience working with Django.

Why Should I Learn Django?

Good question!

Django is an open-source web framework written in Python that enables developers to quickly build robust and scalable web applications.

Django’s slogan is “The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines”, making it useful for developers who want to get web applications built efficiently.

It achieves this by following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and promotes the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in everything it does, emphasizing efficiency and reusability.

But that's just the's the key reasons why you should learn Django:

- Rapid development: Django provides a wide range of built-in features and functionalities, including authentication, database management, form handling, and admin interface. These ready-to-use components help accelerate the development process, allowing developers to focus more on application logic rather than repetitive tasks.

- Scalability: Django is designed to handle high-traffic websites and can scale effortlessly. Its architecture promotes code modularity and encourages the use of reusable apps, making it easier to extend and maintain applications as they grow.

- Security: Django has built-in security features to help developers avoid common web application vulnerabilities. It handles user authentication, protects against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, and provides secure password hashing.

- Database Support: Django supports multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle. It offers an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer that abstracts database interactions, making it simpler to work with databases and write database-agnostic code.

- Versatile Ecosystem: Django has a vast ecosystem with numerous third-party packages and libraries available. These packages can be easily integrated into Django projects, extending the functionality and saving development time.

- Active Community: Django has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its continuous improvement. The community provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and support, making it easier for developers to learn and troubleshoot any issues they encounter.

Basically take the most important ingredients that developers want to see, mix them in a pot, and what have you got? Django! These factors make Django a super popular choice for web development, especially for those looking to build complex, data-driven applications.

Here's what this Django course covers:

This course, like all Zero To Mastery courses, is a living thing that will be constantly updated and expanded as Django evolves. That means it will be your go-to place to find the latest Django best practices and resources throughout your career.

1. INTRODUCTION TO DJANGO - Before we start building, let's learn exactly what Django is, how it’s used, and some of the framework’s features from a higher level. This section gets you primed to dive into building fun projects.

2. DJANGO INSTALLATION AND SETUP - We’ll get your computer and environment setup to start coding. We’ll install python, a code editor, and look at an online option. You can skip this if you already have python installed as well as a code editor of choice.

3. YOUR FIRST DJANGO APP - HELLO WORLD - You’ll get building with Django, learning about Django routing with URLs and views. By the end of this section you will also learn about showing dynamic data with dynamic routes.

4. DJANGO TEMPLATES & FAVORITE MOVIES PROJECT - We’ll introduce templates, and the Django templating language. It allows us to interact with variables passed to us, as well as perform programming logic. Our final product will be an application that lists your favorite movies.

5. DJANGO MODELS & JOB BOARD PROJECT - Now we’ll introduce data into the mix. This is a very powerful concept and lets us store and interact with changing information. Previously we hard-coded all the information. In this project we’ll learn about Django models, and use the Django ORM.

6. DJANGO ADMIN - Django comes with a built-in admin that lets you interact with your application and do things like create, edit, and search for data. It’s a great feature that’s built into the framework. We’ll update the previous Job Board project to have the admin setup.

7. DJANGO FORMS & BITLY CLONE PROJECT - We learned how to add data via the admin, but this section tackles how to interact with our stored data right from our application. We’ll create a Bitly clone that lets users create, update, and track link clicks. We will cover how to use Django forms in this section.

8. DJANGO CLASS-BASED VIEWS & LINKTREE CLONE PROJECT - This section lets us build a very cool LinkTree clone. This link in bio tool lets the user create a landing page with links to whatever they want. Previously we used python functions to create views. In this section we cover class based views and how they differ from the functional ones.

9. USER AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION & TRAVEL TRACKING PROJECT - A major part of most applications is letting users sign-up. In this section we implement user authentication and authorization and create a very cool app to let users track their travels. We’ll combine all the previous concepts to create a fully functioning app that lets users login, upload images, and interact with their data.

10. DJANGO REST FRAMEWORK FUNDAMENTALS - Django is commonly used as a backend framework paired with a frontend technology or other device (React/Vue, mobile app, desktop app, etc.). This section gives an intro to the Django Rest Framework, which is a popular library to turn Django into a web API. We’ll create a restaurant menu that can be consumed and displayed by any device.

What's the bottom line?

This course is not about making you just code along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you don’t know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No!

This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner to someone that is in the top 10% of Django developers 💪.

And you have nothing to lose. You can start learning right now and if this course isn't everything you expected, we'll refund you 100% within 30 days. No hassles and no questions asked.

When's the best time to get started? Today!

There's never a bad time to learn in-demand skills. But the sooner, the better. So start learning Django today by joining the ZTM Academy. You'll have a clear roadmap to developing the skills to build your own projects, get hired, and advance your career.

Join Zero To Mastery Now

What you'll build

The best way you learn is by doing. Not just watching endless tutorials. That's why a key part of this course is the real-world Django projects that you'll get to build. Plus they'll look great on your portfolio.

Favorite Movies App

Favorite Movies App

You’ll build a movie library where you can store your favorite movies that you’ve seen or want to. This is a personal website where you can list your movie titles and create your about page with your photo.

Jobs Board

Jobs Board

A place where businesses can create and post their open jobs. Each job will have its own page that shows all the details like title, company, salary, and description. The business owner will be able to login to their admin to create new jobs.

Bitly Clone

Bitly Clone

A link shortener and tracking tool like Bitly, where you can create shorter URLs for any webpage and also track how many clicks each get. Users will be able to add new links directly from the application.

Linktree Clone

Linktree Clone

A link-in-bio tool like Linktree that allows you to create a webpage that has all your links in one place. You'll be able to create, edit, and delete links and create a landing page that displays all your links to share with the world!



A custom travel app that allows users to comprehensively track all of their vacations and travels. The project features a marketing-style homepage as well as an application dashboard, plus the ability for users to create and edit their trips with photos!

Join Zero To Mastery Now

Course curriculum

To make sure this course is a good fit for you, you can start learning Django for free right now by clicking any of the PREVIEW links below.


5 lectures

Learn Django with Dominic Vacchiano1:00


Course Resources


Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor


Understanding Your Video Player (notes, video speed, subtitles + more)


Set Your Learning Streak Goal


Section 1: Introduction to Django

3 lectures

Intro to Web Servers5:30


What is Django and the MVT Pattern4:54


Why Learn Django4:48


Section 2: Installation and Setup

6 lectures

Python Installation2:37


Visual Studio Code Installation2:03


Visual Studio Code Extensions (Recommended)


Build Django Projects Quickly from the Browser Using Replit1:08


Git Bash Terminal Installation1:39


Bash vs. Powershell Terminal Setup in VS Code


Section 3: Views and URLs + Your First Django App

11 lectures

Your First Day!1:58


URLs and Views Overview3:17


Django Project Setup2:18


Adding URLs and Views5:45


EXERCISE: About Page


EXERCISE: About Page Solution1:58


Dynamic URLs Overview: a Look at the Django Docs5:01


Adding Dynamic URL Routing2:43


EXERCISE: Dynamic URLs - Add 2 Numbers


EXERCISE: Dynamic URLs - Add 2 Numbers Solution1:51


Let's Have Some Fun (+ More Resources)


Section 4-A: Django Templates + Favorite Movies App Project

12 lectures

How Django Templates Work5:54


Movies App Project Setup4:30


My Fav Movies Template4:24


EXERCISE: Create About Page


EXERCISE: Create About Page Solution2:22


Django Template Variables, Tags, and Filters Overview5:38


Accessing Variables in Django Templates2:04


Listing Out Our Favorite Movies4:29


Django Template Inheritance Overview4:36


Creating Navigation Using Template Inheritance7:31


Adding Image to About Page4:26


Unlimited Updates


Section 4-B: Deployment of our Favorite Movies App Project

4 lectures

Updating Our Favorite Movies App for Deployment3:15


Pushing Our Project to GitHub6:28


Launching Our Project Live on the Server3:56


Allowing Our Images to Show4:20


Section 5: Django Models + Jobs Board Project

12 lectures

What Are Django Models?7:30


Job Board Project and App Setup4:09


Creating Job Posting Model7:00


Adding Our First Job Posting to the Database5:42


Adding New Field to Job Posting Table5:16


Grabbing the Active Job Posting in Our View3:01


Listing Out Active Jobs in Our Template4:13


Adding Filters to the Job Listings to Update Formatting2:23


Job Detail Pages5:19


Handling "Does Not Exist" Error for Job Details2:40


Styling to Our Home And Detail Job Pages4:53


Course Check-In


Section 6: Django Admin

5 lectures

Creating an Admin Super User and First Look at Django Admin Interface3:06


Registering the Job Board Model in the Admin3:46


Making the Job Postings Appear Better in the Admin Section2:30


Creating, Updating and Deleting Job Postings via the Django Admin3:10


Implement a New Life System


Section 7: Django Forms + Bitly Clone Project

15 lectures

The First Project Meeting1:12


Setting Up Our Link Shortener Django Project2:23


Creating Our Link App and Models7:32


Registering Our Link Model with the Admin3:29


Adding Links via the Admin1:32


Links View and URL Setup3:13


Querying the Links from the Database2:11


Making the Home Page Pretty with Tailwind CSS3:54


Adding Link Shortening Redirect Functionality5:39


Intro to Forms: Creating Our First Form4:56


Getting the Input Data from the Form4:08


Using Django Forms to Create Our Link Form6:50


Refactoring to Use Django ModelForms to Create and Save a New Link3:40


Adding Styling to Our Form with Crispy Forms7:18


Exercise: Imposter Syndrome2:55


Section 8: Django Class Based Views + Linktree Clone Project

12 lectures

New Product Pivot1:18


Creating Initial Django Project and LinkPlant App3:15


Setting Up the Profile and Link Models11:36


Registering Our Models with the Admin and Creating Data via the Admin5:42


Listing Out the Links with a Class Based View ListView8:13


Creating Base HTML File and Styling with Tailwind CSS2:58


Creating New Links with the CreateView Class Based View8:09


Installing Crispy Forms and Tailwind Styling3:23


Updating the Links with the UpdateView Class4:42


Creating the Delete View to Remove a Link Using DeleteView Class8:58


Building the Final Profile Page Showcasing Links8:08


Project Demo Day1:42


Section 9: User Authentication and Authorization + TripTrak Project

19 lectures

Initial Project Setup and Creating Trip App5:43


Trip and Notes Data Models11:15


Enabling Images to be Stored in Our Database and Served via Django5:43


Adding Trips via Admin and Creating View to List Out Trips5:32


Using Built In Django Auth App to Setup Our Auth URLs4:54


Looking Under the Django Hood at the Auth App2:54


Adding Our Login Template Page6:42


Creating Logout Page and Checking if User is Logged In or Not3:41


Setting Up User Registration and Filtering Trips for the Logged In User8:31


Adding Styling and Creating Our Base HTML File2:54


Allowing User to Create a New Trip9:49


Viewing a Trip's Details6:30


Creating Notes via Admin and Seeing Notes Details5:21


Listing Out Our Notes with a Class Based View6:57


Adding a Create Note Form Using Class Based View8:19


Updating and Deleting a Note6:13


Updating and Deleting a Trip6:09


Adding the Finishing Touches to the Homepage and Login and Signup Forms4:08


The Final Launch Celebration1:36


Section 10: REST Framework Fundamentals

4 lectures

Intro to Django REST Framework and Web API4:43


Setting up Django Project for Restaurant7:27


Returning Data in JSON Format9:30


Using Django REST Framework12:02


Where To Go From Here?

6 lectures

Thank You1:17


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Meet your instructor

Your Django instructor (Dominic) isn't just an expert with years of real-world professional experience. He has been in your shoes. He makes learning fun. He makes complex topics feel simple. He will motivate you. He will push you. And he will go above and beyond to help you succeed.

Dominic Vacchiano

Hi, I'm Dominic Vacchiano!

Dom is a Software Engineer with extensive experience working on both the frontend and backend. He believes that breaking things down into smaller chunks, looking at the bigger picture, and realizing that nothing is magic will help you learn coding!


Dominic Vacchiano

Software Engineer

Frequently asked questions

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

  • Basic Python knowledge is required
  • Basic HTML/CSS knowledge is recommended
  • A computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) with an internet connection
  • A willingness and enthusiasm to learn

Who is this course for?

  • Python Developers who want to learn Django and be able to add a new skill to their resume and toolkit
  • Anyone that wants to learn Django by building fun, real-world projects that will make your portfolio stand out
  • Students who are stuck in a cycle of tutorials and want to go beyond "beginner" Django tutorials
  • Bootcamp or online tutorial graduates that want to go beyond the basics
  • You want to learn from an industry professional who actually has real-world industry experience

Do you provide a certificate of completion?

We definitely do and they are quite nice. You will also be able to add Zero To Mastery Academy to the education section of your LinkedIn profile as well.

Can I use the course projects in my portfolio?

Yes, you’d be crazy not to in our slightly biased opinion! All projects are downloadable and ready to use the minute you join.

Many of our students tell us the projects they built while following along with our courses were what got them interviews and because they built the projects themselves, they could confidently explain and walk through their work during the interview.

You know what that means? Job offer!

Still have more questions about the Academy?

Still have more questions specific to the Academy membership? No problem, we answer some more here.

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